Showing posts with label Jason David Frank. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jason David Frank. Show all posts

Thursday, 1 March 2012

From The Archives #2 Mr. Motivator

This one is probably more interesting to British Power Rangers fans. Back at the height of the show's popularity Power Rangers was usually introduced by the lycra clad exerciser Mr. Motivator who hosted GMTV's kid's block for quite some time. Here Mr. Motivator gets to work out with none other than Jason David Frank

Monday, 27 February 2012

From The Archives #1 Cybertron

Here we have a very special clip. This is the pitch reel for Saban's Cybertron which went through a great many changes before eventually airing as VR Troopers. What's most interesting about this clip is just how different things could have turned out. Though it seems to annoy a great deal of Power Rangers fans these days Jason David Frank was a very major part of the show's success and things could have turned out quite differently. Would Power Rangers have been as successful as it was if JDF had left permanently to star in Cybertron/VR Troopers? Would there have been a film version? Would Power Rangers still be going now? Would VR Troopers have a longer, more successful run? Most likely the answers to these questions would be no but we will never know for sure but Cybertron sure looked like a fun show.